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by Mark Stone, Published on

Drain Cleaning Services in Toronto

Do you want a really great Drain Cleaning job? We I am about to share an experience with you about how one of our customers had told usThis is the Best Drain Cleaning Job They Have Ever Seen!“. In the next few minutes I would like to share with you their story and hopefully you will share it with all of your friends.

We had a customer who had called in for a Drain cleaning sometime in August this year and was needing a Drain Clean for a clogged drain in is home. So we arrived there during our normal routine hours within about an hour of his initial call to see what the problem was. His drain had been clogging up for months and he had tried his own methods like using a handy drain snake he bought at Canadian Tire.

The repeated usage of his store-bought drain snake, just wouldn’t do a good enough job for him! No matter how hard he tried to fix the problem, the drain simply would not unclog. The water flow for the drain was completely plugged and nothing would go down the drain. His sink would fill up and get filled in gunk. So we at Drain Rescue came and helped him out!

Our technician who was first on the scene said he found the customer to be very upset and had tried everything he knew to unclogged the drain. He used methods including products like CLR and Drain-O, but never could fix the problem. Our technician then diagnosed the issue and used our signature Drain Snake camera to find and fix the problem.

Within minutes our technician had found the problem and removed the clog. After the drain cleaning was done we never expected to hear from that customer again. Then we noticed a customer appreciation letter in our mail box from that very same customer saying “that was the best drain cleaning job I have ever seen!‘”, and thanks to all the guys at Drain Rescue.

We are really excited that our services go noticed and when we help with people’s problems they recognize our work. Have you had a great experience with a company you would like to mention? Leave your comments on our blog.

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